Not only does filling out the top of your chest add to the overall appearance of one’s physique but it also adds perfect upper body symmetry. The upper chest can be a difficult area to develop, and it takes specific exercises in order to properly engage the region. In this post, we’ll go over the top exercises for upper chest workout to give you a better shaped and more symmetrical looking chest.
Incline Barbell Bench Press
One of the basic exercises for upper chest, Incline Barbell Bench Press.
Place the bench at an incline (30 to 45 degrees is a good range) and hold the barbell with hands just wider than shoulder-width.
Work on getting The Barbell as high up to your chest and keep that good form for nice upper chest activation.
Incline Dumbbell Press
The incline dumbbell press is much like the barbell bench press but with two exceptions: a greater ROM and unilateral movement.
Grab a pair of dumbbells, doing this exercise on an inclined bench with very basic hinge technique turned into the sides of chest.
This exercise will help you balance your strength and fix any imbalances between the left and right sides of your chin.
Chest Dips
How To: The chest dip is a powerful focus upper pecs workout, which also calls the triceps and shoulders into play.
If you use parallel bars (or a dip station), make sure to lean forward a bit more so that the weight is distributed differently on your upper chest when doing dips.
Descend by bending your elbows until they form a 90-degree angle, and then push back to the starting position.
Low to High Cable Crossover
By adjusting the cable pulleys, you can change it so as to focus on your chest.
Place the pulleys in a low position and bring cables upward crossed at top of movement.
Instead, concentrate on getting that peak contraction in the chest.
Guillotine Press
Guillotine Press: The guillotine press is a version of the conventional bench press that hits more chesticles on each rep.
Perform these on a flat bench with the barbell in your hands way wide, at elbows and bring it down to neck or upper chest.
Be cautious of the weight that is used to stay safe and complete a proper movement.
High Incline Dumbbell Flyes
High Incline Dumbbell Flyes — High angle (60 degrees) incline bench
Keep lifting two dumbbells down the left and right hand lowered to splay, upper chest this position feel a stretch.
Concentrate on squeezing your chest up top when bring the dumbbells back together.
Reverse Grip Bench Press
As you may know, reverse grip bench press is an exercise similar to the typical one but with a reverse overhand (supinated) grip on the barbell.
The reverse grip focuses more on the upper chest and is good for anyone who wishes to target this area.
These exercises target your upper chest and are essential to develop a strong, full looking chest. Validate your technique, progressively go heavier and stay consistent for the best results. Whether you want a chiselled look or just more strength in your upper body, concentrating on this area is vital to achieve the right fitness goals.