resume workout after break

How to Resume Workouts After a Break

There can be so many reasons starting from a busy life to ill health or an injury or simply feeling tired from life which leads us to take a break from our workout regime. That said, jumping back into things can seem a bit intimidating. The nice thing about it, is that if you approach it with the right mindset, getting back into a regular exercise routine and regaining your strength, endurance and motivation will become an achievable goal. In this particular post, I will tell you how you can get back to your workouts after a break.

Take it Easy

After a long time off (like a broken femur), you want to ease back into your workout plan slowly. If you used to do this kind of training then start with lower intensity and shorter durations than before. It will also allow for fewer injuries and too much muscle soreness.

Goal Gently

Getting back to your fitness routine doesn’t mean getting back at the same level you had reached before. But try to set achievable targets based on your current fitness levels and go by slowly. Which may signify shorter distances to run, lighter weights, or fewer repetitions at first. From there you can build on intensity and duration.

Tip: Focus on Consistency So, you took some time off. Try to stay active, even if it’s only a few minutes every day. Being consistent over time will help to restore your quickness, endurance and capacity.

Hearken to Your Physique

Start by listening how the physique is feeling after a while off hometrainer. Some mild to moderate muscle soreness or fatigue is expected but be wary of any signs of pain. If it doesn’t feel right, do not force yourself. Instead, scale back and slow the hell down or get a trainer.

Use Different Types of Training

After a lay off going back to what you did before will feel boring and not invigorating at all. A better idea is to mix things up in your workouts so you can have some fun and a challenge. Experiment with different types of movement, strength training, cardiorespiratory, yoga or fitness classes. Switching it up keeps things interesting and works different muscles so that you can feel stronger overall.

Write Recovery Days

Your body may require longer to recover in between workouts after a break. Remember to prioritize recovery with enough sleep, hydration and nutrition. You may even want to add some stretching, foam rolling or gentle yoga for improved flexibility and less muscle tension.

Tip: Rebuilding a workout routine after a break is mentally difficult, stay motivated. To keep the motivation alive, set short term and long-term goals for yourself, keep checking for your progress and celebrate your small achievements on this path of growth. Join a support group, be it with friends, family or workout buddies who can motivate and inspire you to stick to your fitness goals.

It is not uncommon to take some time away from exercise but the process of getting back on track should be gentle, gradual and realistic. In summary, begin slowly and set realistic goals, listen to your body as you ease back into a routine – incorporating variety helps too – prioritize recovery and stay motivated to once again regain your fitness and get back on the road toward a healthier, stronger you. Advancement takes time, but every single foot forward is one step closer.